And the most effective way to do this? Run? Nope, wrong. Bike? Better, but wrong again. Well it can't be lifting that just makes you big and bulky.....but it doesn't have to and it is the best way to jump start your metabolism and start changing your body and losing the weight you want (not just numbers on scale).

Check out the rest on the next page
Specifically to women he talks about how losing much after 20 occurs much quicker and one of my favorite points he makes is that cardio doesn't do a lot to change your body other than hopefully make you smaller. If you are a big pear shape and lose weight via cardio then you are a smaller pear shape after the fact (still congrats on the weight loss) but is that what you're really going for.
I suggest reading the article as he brings up many other great points as to how cardio can actually hurt you body and as always if you have questions looks us up on Facebook or email us at
Your Cardio Routine is Making You Fat
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