What is a
shin splint?
What makes this injury
difficult is the multiple issues that could be causing the problem. The
most extreme issues that may be causing you shin pain is an actual stress
fracture or other stress injury to the bone. This is another hard diagnosis as many of them do not show up
on x-ray until they actually begin healing, which typically occurs and shows in 2-4 weeks if at all. If you have the means, often
times a MRI or Bone Scan is useful for diagnosing this injury. Other causes
include but are not limited to periositis (bone pain), medial flexor
tendonitis, fallen arches, or calf tightness (especially the lateral gastroc).
What can
I do to help?
If this has become a chronic pain and their is extreme pain to the touch or at rest at one
specific location along the bone see a physician for further examination. Many
times for runners a simple fix is purchasing a new pair of shoes that are
designed with more arch support. An alternative to this is purchasing a
neutral shoe and adding an insert that will increase arch support. Common
sense would think that adding both would be an even better solution but often
this leads to over correction of the issue and causes further and unnecessary problems.
Receiving more arch support allows the muscles that run on the inside of your
shin (tibia) to go back to their natural position and not be put on excessive
stretch as they were without the support. This is a quick fix to a much larger problem and one that I wouldn't recommend solely relying on but utilizing if it helps keep you going in the short term.
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Calf tightness if often
associated with medial shin pain and people will continue to stretch their
calves. The most common lower leg stretch is performed with a straight
leg but this does not hit all the lower leg musculature. This stretch
doesn't target the soleous and medial flexors that are underneath the gastroc. To perform this stretch
start like you normally would with a straight leg calf stretch and keep your
heal firmly planted on the ground but then bend your knee. You will
typically feel this stretch right above your achilles tendon. That
gastroc muscle does play a role in shin splints though, especially the lateral
portion of the gastroc. When these fibers are shortened and tight they
will pull the foot to the outside and cause further stretching and stress on
the medial flexor muscles and cause pain. Soft tissue work and if
possible ultra sound treatments are the best way to reduce this tightness and
help relieve pain.
While it's an injury that
can include several factors many of them are easy to change and fix but the
results aren't always instant so give them a little time. Check out our check list below for helping get on the road to recover with this injury.
1. Hydrate: good hydration allows the muscles to move easier and generally helpful for your body.
2. Work on Running Form: Get it analyzed and coached up by a professional who can look at how you're landing and how good you mechanics are.
3. Tack & Twist: Using a racquet ball or "yoga tune up ball," tap it into the skin around your heel and ankle and give it a quick twist to help release the skin from the underlying tissues.
4. Get the Lower Legs Supple: Get on a roller or a ball and spend some serious time working on all your calf musculature and also the bottom of your foot. This will reduce stress to the system and allow your body to move much more free.
5. Progress with Care: Don't go 0 to 60 miles, give your body a chance to adapt, it'll thank you later.
1. Hydrate: good hydration allows the muscles to move easier and generally helpful for your body.
2. Work on Running Form: Get it analyzed and coached up by a professional who can look at how you're landing and how good you mechanics are.
3. Tack & Twist: Using a racquet ball or "yoga tune up ball," tap it into the skin around your heel and ankle and give it a quick twist to help release the skin from the underlying tissues.
4. Get the Lower Legs Supple: Get on a roller or a ball and spend some serious time working on all your calf musculature and also the bottom of your foot. This will reduce stress to the system and allow your body to move much more free.
5. Progress with Care: Don't go 0 to 60 miles, give your body a chance to adapt, it'll thank you later.
For further questions or concerns contact us at our Facebook page or our email: info@totalathleticthearpy.com
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