By: Joel Luedke

Things It Helps:
-Low back pain
-Hip tightness and pain
-Knee pain

In this Mobility Monday we look at how your squat form makes a huge difference on the tissues that get stressed in you body. If you set up in the wrong system you can put a phenomenal amount of stress and tension on your hip capsule and the associated ligaments that aren't meant to take that kind of stress. Simple changes in your position can load the right areas and tissues, i.e muscles to make sure you are maintaining power but also limiting your risk of injury.
You may say I don't squat heavy or olympic lift but this applies to basic movements in life and your set is important all the time. Kelly has a great quote "make your battle stance your everyday stance". Utilize these ideas when working on projects or just getting up from sitting and standing.
Things It Helps:
-Low back pain
-Hip tightness and pain
-Knee pain
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